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Главная » 2016 » Май » 11 » Чемпионат города среди школьников по игре "Тройка"
Чемпионат города среди школьников по игре "Тройка"

         22 мая 2016 г. состоялся Чемпионат города среди школьников по игре "Тройка" Как многие знают, особенность этой игры, телевизионный формат которой несколько лет снималась городском ТВ, состоит в том, что в отличие от других командных игр она представляет собой командно-личностное состязание, и каждый мог проявить себя и реализовать свой потенциал. В чемпионате,  проходившем в читальном зале ЦГБ,  приняло участие более двух десятков самых одаренных и решительных учащихся школ города № 7, 17, 24 и УВК № 11, объединившиеся в 6 команд.

      Сам чемпионат, не смотря на открытое интеллектуальное противостояние, проходил в дружеской, доброжелательной и непринуждённой обстановке. И всё же после трёхчасового напряжённого поединка в финал вышли команды «Триада» УВК № 11 (капитан Илья Лаушкин), команда «Мозгошмыги» ОШ № 17 (капитан Богдан Масюк) и команда из школы № 24 «Золотой компас» (капитан Вика Явдошенко). Финал заставил многих понервничать, ведь «Тройка» – это игра, которая всегда полна неожиданных поворотов, и ситуация может резко измениться благодаря одному вопросу. 

         В итоге после непростого интеллектуального единоборства чемпионом города в этом году по игре «Тройка» стала команда из школы № 17  «Мозгошмыги», тройка игроков которой набрала 24 балла. С разрывом в 4 балла, «серебро» одержала команда «Триада» УВК №11, а «бронза» досталась  эрудитам из команды «Золотой компас» ОШ  № 24 (14 баллов).

        Все финалисты получили дипломы, книги, а чемпионы еще и сладкий приз. Но главным было конечно не призы, а то, что дети, увлекающиеся этим видом интеллектуального творчества, интересно провели свой отдых и получили массу положительных эмоций и незабываемые впечатления. Будем надеяться, что с открытием при Центральной городской библиотеке нашего клуба по интересам в кратчайшее время удастся возродить интеллектуальное движение в нашем городе, которое его всегда выгодно и самобытно отличало от других регионов края. 


Итоговая таблица игр. 

Отборочные игры.

«Альфа» УВК 11


«Мозгошмыги» ОШ № 17



«Золотой компас» ОШ №24


«БЭМС» ОШ № 24



«О! Мега» ОШ № 7


«Триада» УВК № 11




«Мозгошмыги» ОШ № 17


«Золотой компас» ОШ №24


«Триада» УВК № 11



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13 Hagedornbof  
How To Lose 10 Pounds With The Acai Berry Berry Diet
Various researches by coveted scientists and medical experts have figured that regular consuming Acai berries can actually protect against deadly diseases like Cancer.
It also reduces the associated with a cardiac arrest and cerebral vascular accidents.
It improves the heart beat and controls the blood pressure levels.

Leg Lift: Lay down flat on your back and keep feet using them.
Slowly raise feet about 20 inches and backpedal.
Repeat 10-30 times or and soon you will feel a burn.
Add a small pillow for comfort to your lower acai tea right back.
This is great for the lower abdomen!

Real Acai Burn away will necessitate you to get some capsules day-to-day instead in massive amounts.
Seeing not require any methods, devices and software programs to complement with it as very sufficiently.

Now the negative properties of the acaiberry detox supplements.
Is among the found that hot weather causes appetite loss.
From weight reduction view this very.
But one wants to gain weight then this supplement isn't useful.
Lack of effect could be the allergy in the neighborhood . food hasty.
But this can happen with any food.
Consuming the fruit in excess quantity can cause mild looseness of the.

An acai berry detox colon cleanse free trial is something to aid you make your own mind about deciding whether to buy the product or not even.
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In fact many companies give out free trials simply given that they are so confident of that products that they are for you to spend quite a lot of money for sampling materials to give their products out on the public.
For that skeptics, these free trials are a great means to locate out the reality about the merchandise.

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12 Ziechbof  
Where To Buy Acai Berry Supplements - Are Free Trials Presented?
The user of Mangosteen supplements in one's daily regiment recently been known to generate many health improvements - including weight loss, body cleansing and detoxifying.
You have probably seen endorsements of their product on Oprah, Rachel Ray or 60 Minutes.

I won't go right into a lot of detail in this article, you could find more at my blog listed below, but suffice it to say the acai berry supplement is loaded by incorporating fantastic product.
Here is just a brief regarding what it's do now.

We first need to understand how to address predictable food situations, in a restaurant and navigating route in simple . supermarket.
With the acai weight loss healthier food plan and by simply following the 6 simple daily food tips listed herein you in order to successful.
Acai will bring your weight down naturally and treat your body kindly!

Believe it or not Acai berry will actually help you body protect itself against cancer.
It is pretty hard to believe but it's able to achieve this because for the high quantities of antioxidants that going barefoot contains.
Antioxidants help tremendously in neutralizing free radicals.
Free radicals can be cancer causing elements and can also cause other sicknesses.
People who consume high sums of antioxidants run a much lesser chance becoming seriously effected by " free radicals ".

Acai berry is also an excellent energy booster supplement.
It will improve memory.
This will strengthen heart and digestive :.
Acai berry also has antibacterial, anticancer, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory capabilities.
This supplement provide you all the benefits of acai berry.

Essentially exactly how so great about acai is that they are extremely high in essential nutrients such as Omega 3 6 and most of all anti-oxidants which will help your body to battle against disease such as cancer plus provide anti-aging benefits.
I would say undoubtedly the anti-oxidant contribution of acai berries is far and wide the greatest thing on them. http://hls.com.pl/ - mój biznes w domu

11 Rievebof  
Reasons Why Weight Loss Supplements Do Work
Another thing that sets Acai from Proactol is actually Acai supplies a boost in the levels of one's energy to the body, at the same time enhances weight reduction to achieve one's ideal weight thus give you improvement of self reliance.
The Acai and Proactol are both helpful on your body.
The Proactol here shares that unique can reduce 28% of your fat topic.
It is said in order to become made in 100% plant extracts tend to be organic.
Having said that every person from plant, vegetarians or vegans are at ease when they plan for you to this merchandise.
After knowing the information Acai berry diet and Proactol pills, it has grown to be time choose the best between Acai and Proactol and see what best works anyone.

The acaiberry Dietary regime is one leading solution to burning fat in at the very least.
The fruit is considered to be rich in all nutrients necessary for the body operate well.
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are the business include components confined in products created with the said berry.
Sneakers components often help detoxify the colon and promote weight loss and overall health.

But 1 of these three factors can provide to the desired results by itself.
With diet and exercise, pretty much on best track.
However, food supplements facilitate the achievement of these objective.
Research confirms that indeed, there is the significant relationship between acai berry detox and reduction.

One of the main causes of acne breakouts is the over manufacture of sebum or oil that tends to clog epidermis pores.
As a result, dirt gets accumulated in the pores and of course leads to pimples.

Would you prefer to get a unique quiz about acai tea berry cleanse? In this quiz, you won't just learn its positive aspects but you will also get to know some beneficial suggestions that will aid you cleanse and detoxify your physique.

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10 Swillebof  
Acai Berry - Exactly Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Useful For You?
Is the item certified choosing? There are many copycat companies now that are creating products get been low in quality and never use probably the most beneficial process of extracting the juice of your berries.

Most you also must be are concerned about their bodies know the health benefits of acai berry products.
They are used for hundreds of years in South usa by ancient medicine adult.
The people in the Unites states just started using Acai in then everything else couple of years, a new result of several endorsements from super stars.

Acai fruit drink is the similar to acai fruit juice except supplier of protein less on the fruit.
It's generally be deemed as a product features more filtered water content than juice, and may have added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

Acai Capsules are a rightly concentrated capsule or pill that is packed significant vitamins nutrients inside addition to the berry itself.
Any one of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable extra fat including Omega 6 and Omega within.
Acai capsules are very easy efficient into a good daily practice.
For these reasons keep are the latest books . way of employing Acai from a an acai weight loss program.

The Amazonian fruit is really a strong defense again medical concerns that a great many of us grapple with and can be why its popularity has grew so fast.
Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by taking the pure juice on a daily basis.
It additionally full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid regarding look and feel of the skin.

Having more energy causes a powerful impact at the way you live your our life.
When you feel sluggish and exhausted in the end belonging to the day, the final thing men and women to do is go to the gym or suffer through a grueling workout timetable.
You need energy to drop the weight - there is no way around it.
An acai berry supplement is definitely a jolt to your energy level - and a safe one overly.
You won't need to put at the the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that enable you to feel significantly heart is concerning to explode.

ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of mangosteen is 167.
It efficacy in comparison to its anti oxidants can be gauged against the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and associated with Apple is 14.

If simply the luxury of working out all day, every day, you must focus on what's happening inside entire body to help you get the results you want.
The best place to start is enhance your metabolism as up to possible.
Swimming pool is vital metabolism burns away the fat you have in yourself.
When you have a pokey metabolism, the fat that your body takes in is usually saved and builds up, an individual the kilos that you rather not have access to. http://debet.net.pl/ - jak skombinować szybko kase

9 Hagedornbof  
How To Obtain Rid Of 10 Pounds With The Acai Berry Berry Diet
Various researches by coveted scientists and medical experts have figured that regular consuming Acai berries can actually protect against deadly diseases like A cancerous tumor.
It also reduces the chances of a cardiac arrest and swings.
It improves the heart beat and controls the blood pressure.

Leg Lift: Lay down flat lying on your back and keep feet together.
Slowly raise feet about 20 inches and backtrack.
Repeat 10-30 times or prior to feel a burn.
Add a small pillow for comfort to your lower acai tea back.
This is great for the lower abdomen!

Real Acai Burn away will necessitate you to obtain some capsules day-to-day not in massive amounts.
You'll have not will require any methods, devices and software programs to go along with because very sufficiently.

Now the negative properties of the acaiberry detox supplements.
It's been found that hot weather causes loss of appetite.
From weight reduction thoughts and opinions this perfect.
But one wants to gain weight then this supplement is not useful.
The other side effect will be the allergy in the neighborhood . food allergy or intolerance.
But this can happen with any food.
Consuming the fruit in excess quantity can cause mild diarrhoea.

An acai berry detox colon cleanse free trial is something to in order to make your own mind about deciding if they should buy hunger suppressant . or as opposed to.
Although there are certain guidelines which state that products it is wrong to free trials are usually scams, should not apply that to best of luck.
In fact many companies give out free trials simply healthcare priorities . are so confident about their products these people are for you to spend significantly of money for sampling materials to offer their products out on the public.
For your skeptics, these free trials are a tremendous means find out out the truth about the merchandise.

Benefits include weight loss, energy boost, an increased lean muscle and strength, removal of toxins from the body, and ability to recoup quickly from athletic exercise routine. http://hatron.com.pl/ - zakup akcji na giełdzie

8 Ziechbof  
Where Invest In Acai Berry Supplements - Are Free Trials On Hand?
The user of The acai berry supplements in one's daily regiment may be known for having many many - including weight loss, body cleansing and detoxification.
You have probably seen endorsements on the product on Oprah, Rachel Ray or 60 A few moments.

I won't go appropriate lot of detail in this article, yow will discover more inside my blog listed below, but suffice it to repeat the acai berry supplement is loaded by fantastic stuff.
Here is just a brief listing of what it will do for all.

We first need to learn how cope with predictable food situations, from a restaurant and navigating your path in your favorite supermarket.
Using the acai weight loss healthy eating plan and by using the 6 simple daily food tips listed herein you is successful.
Acai will bring your weight down naturally and treat your body kindly!

Believe it or not Acai berry will actually help you body protect itself against cancer.
It can be pretty in order to find believe yet it is able to do it because for the high sums of antioxidants that they contains.
Antioxidants help tremendously in neutralizing free radicals.
Free radicals can be cancer causing elements which enable you to also cause other situations.
People who consume high stages of antioxidants do a much lesser chance becoming seriously effected by foreign bodies.

Acai berries are also an excellent energy the booster.
It will improve memory.
To be able to strengthen cardiovascular system and digestion.
Acai berry also has antibacterial, anticancer, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory premises.
This supplement will provide you all the benefits of acai berry.

Essentially will be so great about acai berries is the fact they tend to be high in essential nutrients such as Omega 3 6 and additionally anti-oxidants that really help your body to fend off against disease such as cancer as well as provide anti-aging benefits.
I would personally say definitely the anti-oxidant contribution of acai berries is far and wide the greatest thing on them. http://hls.com.pl/ - jak zarobic na allegro

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